Conversation Between Zegshock and Kamiroo Wolf

212 Visitor Messages

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  1. You called?
  2. Cmon i missed it please
    Because i myself know where people get "asian jokes"
  3. Not something I'd like to repeat... it was deleted.
  4. Its ok lol ^_^;
    So what was the joke?
  5. Sorry about that. Just seemed coincidental.
  6. Yes. A graalian known as Exalted Lucifer made a joke about Asians.
  7. Wait wtf you think im satan? Geez i thought i was a nice guy to you
  8. ??? Im who?
    And why you just ignore my question? :/ I wanna know if i really missed something
  9. Are you Lucifer?
  10. Lol what did i miss? My friend told me to get on the forums because there was some guy acting stupid. But i dont see anything
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 210 of 212
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