Conversation Between Rockstar and Zegshock

72 Visitor Messages

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  1. He's on your friends list lol.
  2. Lol your lazy self can't find Ace's profile? XD
  3. Can you link me to it please?
  4. Bro look at my post on something called "Face Offs".
    I explained it to Ace but no answer lol. It's on his Visitor messages like second one on the top.
  5. Eh idc Zegshock it is then XD
  6. No sorry
  7. Shet. :/
    Do you know who does? ik Jeni but she "retired".
  8. No =[
  9. Ty.
    Btw do you have the power to change forum names?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 72
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