Conversation Between LYK08 and Abdullah1441

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. No Lyk, I am holding you guys back. You'll go father without me
  2. but will u still be writing for ecup??? i sincerely hope you could still do so tho
  3. Yes Lyk, I'm stepping down. Selth will now be in charge of ECUP. I was holding ECUP back. And then I spoke to Selth and he seemed he would be better at running ECUP than I would ever hope to.
  4. will u still be a writer? you can step down as manager but r u still a writer?
  5. I'm stepping down, Selth is now in charge of ECUP. And Lyk, I just want to thank you for being an awesome boss
  6. attempt to access the site again. check the email by weebly sent to the email ive given u.
  7. Btw I feel should mention this, I will be out tomorrow because I have some religious stuff called "Eid preparing" ._.
  8. I like fast food
  9. yea after this week i'll do so. Try accessing it once first so that any technical issues can be sorted out before i leave. Also, you have a section under publications that is still default lol its a pictire of fast food.Gotta start customizing it for yourself
  10. Alright. Now,

    Study ._.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 64
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