Conversation Between Zegshock and Kamiroo Wolf

212 Visitor Messages

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  1. Black and white dots? Might wanna get that checked out actually.
  2. Yeah, same to you bro.
    (Still wonder why my internet cut off like that)
  3. Was cool hanging out and chatting with ya, Zegshock.
  4. Aw ok. See ya tomorrow then.
    (Maybe you're tired, cuz I have that too. Sometimes I can't see crap out one eye, or sonetimes black/white dots.)
  5. Nah, man, sorry Dx there's actually something going on with my eyes(seeing differently out of one than the other). See you tomorrow, gonna try to sleep it off
  6. You can get back on if you want. (omg my internet cut off. Thought the illuminati caught us) xD
  7. bro
  8. No please. Gonna play The Last Of Us. G'night
  9. You better go to sleep too ._.
    Or else i'll tie you up and let Tricky get a hold of you.
  10. Aight night
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 212
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