Conversation Between eski and iIamtheNoob

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ooh,I meant to message me on the forums,sorry. cx
  2. i cant pm you. your on friends only.
  3. I'm on now!
    Pm me,please.
  4. Yeah,so busy from a huge school project,sorry.I think I'll be available for a few hours after 4:00 PM Pacific at Friday.
  5. Awww we never played
  6. Ok talk to you then!
  7. I don't see a problem with the official site.
    Sorry,but I'll be busy at the TouhouCon on Saturday and possibly Sunday.
  8. Thats going to be harder but lets go on Saturday?
  9. Oh,I downloaded Maplestory from the official Nexon website.
  10. Do you play through website download or steam download?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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