Conversation Between Imperial Cub and SashaGryg

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Why you post this to me, i am not an admin so i could not improve era anyhow except of giving ideas, but they dont use them. So probably u should post a thread about this and try your luck.
  2. Maybe we should be able to trade tickets. Is the Orange Pulse Rifle the best weapon there? Why isn't the price low? I think they should make the prices how they used to be. Low and TOTALLY affordable. I rushed to BPP when it was 7k but then out of my excitement to buy it, the price was boosted. So I was like wtf. Is there a way the can make the prices low again
    ? Thanks
  3. Maybe we should be able to trade tickets. Is the Orange Pulse Rifle the best weapon there? Why isn't the price low? I think they should make the prices how they used to be. Low and TOTALLY affordable. I rushed to BPP when it was 7k but then out of my excitement to buy it, the price was boosted. So I was like wtf. Is there a way the can make the prices low avakn? Thanks
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3