Conversation Between Mibo and Blitz Canavi

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey sorry for the late reply, I haven't worked here for for while, so I can't really weigh in on this situation but if you haven't try contacting support through their email.
  2. Hey blitz I hope u could help, I've submitted a ticket but u I won't get a response, I don't want to loose my acc just because an admin made A mistake! , Yesterday at 8 April I got jailed for hacking for 30 hours, I said okay let me put graal era on my laptop so the time goes down while I'm sleeping, I went to sleep and I just woke up to a msg saying (account typed was not found) I clicked "okay" and after that i got a popup saying " We have noticed that you were on a wall, would you like to warp to somewhere else?" I didn't click anything after that I waited the game to load and then after it did, I got jailed for 168 hours just because the game bugged and they got me on a wall and they added a msg into my jailing sentence "any further hacking would lead into permanent ban", so just to sum up, someone jailed me while me being in jail again, I hope whoever is reading this could help me because I don't want to loose my acc and id
    like to play more graal era in the future !
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