Conversation Between LYK08 and Abdullah1441

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's been a while since we last spoke, how are you, my friend?
  2. 20th November. Thank you very very much. Happy Hari Raya Haji!!
  3. Long time no see Lyk

    Your gang is safe and sound, as promised. Have you decided on a pickup date?
  4. use the email i gave you to edit the next paper.
  5. Does ECUP have a discord server?
  6. Lyk, Selth is doing a better job than me. You can retire peaceful
  7. yo you gotta comeback fast i can't retire peacefully without actually having you inside.
  8. I might come back...
  9. No you aren't holding us back. we were doing great with you. Selth has recruited more members. now get back!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 64
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