Conversation Between Rusty and iHot

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Jenni sorry.
  2. If I'm not on, means Jennifer banned me from THIS website too, there caught up to me, they don't believe that I'm an ADMlN though so....
  3. Thanks it would mean so much to me, *tear*
    Rip his head off, wait no, first his previous talons.....
  4. I'll be sure to tell him that lol
  5. Haha you remember me.......spam, hey tell talon I said he's a butthole.
  6. Lol
  7. Dood, do you know who I am? I'm loading...ERROR the guy who got banned. I didn't mean to do anything believe it or not...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7