Conversation Between Bulletzone and imaginary

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. What if English isn't his first language haaa
    Or the person is enable to speak
    Or just too shy or antisocial ( no offense to me)
  2. How I imagine players applications are:
    Age: 34
    Why do you want to be staff?: I want to be adiam. I w1ll do mAnY 3venTs and g1v3 free EC everyday.
    Conclusion: They're about 9.

    It's not hard to tell someone's application based on their Age, Voice chat etc.
  3. بالفعل
  4. انا اسف. لقد فشلت.
  5. تبا لهجتك العربية تجعلني اريد ان اشرب البيرة
  6. أنت مستجد كبير جدا. هل صحتي صحيحة؟


    كيف لديك أكثر من 40 صفحة من رسائل الزوار؟
  7. Did u read what Greg (gani staff) posted on the gani thread lol
  8. Guns I own which I consider them good : chem, flame, PSG sniper, ion sniper and PBP
    I don't own: shipka, minigun and that annoying shotgun everyone had (not sure if it was needed) nerfed*
  9. *Ready's Ban Hammer*

    Quick question, What gun is good for pk, streaking and sometimes basing?
    Not going to be used in spar.
  10. Oh no
    Nightmares come true
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
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