Conversation Between Abdullah1441 and Donal4Prez

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey D4P, it's been a while...

    Are you okay, dude? I understand we weren't friends but still... You haven't yelled at anyone for awhile...
  2. I have say "Happy Meow Day" to biggest hater, right?
    Happy Meow Day d4p
  3. I came back to iEra about a week ago...
  4. Or aligamerastrokid
    Or aligameriquittoclassicbutstillpostontheieraforums
  5. Change your name to aligamerkid
  6. Clam down lmaooo
  7. I like how almost every one of your threads are an insult...

    Clam down
  8. 900 hr astro kid
  9. Keep my player account out of this.
    If you want to talk me I'm available on the forums...
  10. Excactly so shut up
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
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