Conversation Between Coolkiz22 and PoeticFolly

7 Visitor Messages

  1. you posted on my wall a while ago. There is something called freedom of speech. I can share my very own opion.
    End of this convo. post on my wall u will be block and ignored.
  2. im just telling u lol dont i have a right to speek what i think? is there a block button.
  3. Well if you don't start cleaning up your act around here then you won't be a member of these forums for much longer.
  4. do i care .-. nope still don't
  5. I have been a moderator here for nearly a year; basically since the start of the forums. I believe that I know what I am doing and how to handle situations. Please be more respectful to the other players on the forums. If you have a problem with someone, just report them instead of being rude to them. Thank you.
  6. do i care? like really ok give me a infraction idc i do not even care for those stupid points you give. all i said is it is stupid how noobs come to forums just for the ec's really kid u should of never of been hired must of been a mistake
  7. sexy.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7