Conversation Between Froz and Drdetroit

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I just think its bs im accused of abusing my old staff account since i havent been on it in months and everthing is publicly available. Its not like i took screen shots of countryside or other non released stuff and put it out there. As for the staff head thing thats fine i actually understand if thats a rule(dont think it is but) as staff impersination can cause a lot of stuff. Its hard to know what each staff has as a personal head if you never talk with them in game so new PR could easily accept one and not know. Honestly i dont even know which ones are the staff heads but mephs lion head lol.
  2. Nice. I hope they are not taking it lightly. Ser emailed today and im sure we will get things worked out they have been level headed in the past and hopfully they correct the staff that thinks its ok bad mouthing me and talking about my jail to other players.
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