Conversation Between R 2E 054 and Tricky

9 Visitor Messages

  1. ;_; Pls stay... </3
  2. its been years but i came back to say hi,
  3. huhuhu
  4. hehehe...
  5. Hey what's your LoL username?
  6. It'a okay, I'm glad you're back. :]
    We should hang around sometime, also I have LoL on NA server. So we can play sometime soon. >
  7. nmo Mila ._. sorry for being a jerk before, i was stressed irl at the time but im over it
  8. Which Mila, I know like 2 Mila's ._. sowry
  9. Remember me (mila) :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9