Conversation Between Sam Winchester11 and Star*

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I have a question. Someone made a thread about lottery in real life. I was only trying to help but the person that made the thread was disrespectful and other people in the thread were disrespectful too. For example in every thread I reply Mr Gadosh and SlapJack are disrespectful with me and with my brother for no reason. Can you help please? Thank you for reading this post. Bye have a nice day.
  2. Okay I will not make any more threads like the one I made. Sorry.
  3. Like I said, this is a forum.

    You're not entitled to create a thread just to please others. Sure you want to help but do it where nobody can judge you.
  4. Hello my name is Sam Winchester. I made a thread because I wanted to help people. Are you going to close my thread? I only created it because I wanted to help people in something that they don't understand because I dedicate part of my free time in start helping people so I wanted to help in forums.
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