Conversation Between WreX and Rejox

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Cambiar a español
    Agree. Thanks the adm fell he said something hasi but I do not know if it was true he told me about being adm should be looking for aplication in era-go¿: v good thanks
  2. If I have an account I can not change my email
  3. Hello you are a member of staff? I need your help on an account. You know how are the thefts these days everyone knows this year is worse than the previous ami I stole an account with 150k kills 3 YEARS of hardworking shared with a friend was the worst ERROR I HISE one day I got up I no longer had access I had nothing on the account WHAT STEP? I got stolen I have 2 months since they stole any adm admisses me case nesesito help please
  4. Need help to recover an UnreGistered acc or if it is Not
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4