Share knowledge that you've accumulated about Era or possibly even start a new discussion about an upcoming feature or event.
Era's awesome new arcade is open and there are many threads, let's keep it in this area to avoid duplication and easily access your feedback.
Newspapers will be released here
Spar is a big competitive event in the Era community. Post in this area any discussions related to spar from tips/tricks to other spar topics.
Place to discuss weapon changes, questions, advice, and general discussion
Have ideas you would like to see incorporated into the game? Share them here!
Have a GENERAL question about the game, that isn't an account-specific issue? Here is where you can ask the question to be addressed by any member in the community. Once answered, thread will be closed and archived if others would like to review.
Once inquiries are addressed, thread will be closed and moved here for future reference.
There have been so many questions about weapons, let's post them here in one easy spot to avoid duplicates and see responses
Got them rare things... oh yes ITEMS?! Trade them here!!
Post here if you are looking for specific items, i.e you are the "tradee"
Post here if you have items that you wish to offer in trade to other players, i.e. you are the "trader"
Post ideas here for improving the trading process in Era.
Submit gang rewards and give feedback for the current gang system on Era. Other gang related stuff including support can be requested here.
The place to post anything gang-related such as looking for a gang, looking for recruits, gang questions or general discussion.