Welcome to the Era Go Forums.
New to the forums? Wanting to wish a lad a happy birthday? Post about it here!
All competitions in one place- enter while you can!
Can't do the time? DON'T DO THE CRIME!! Read your rights here. This forum contains GraalOnline Era rules and Era-Go.com forum rules.
Share knowledge that you've accumulated about Era or possibly even start a new discussion about an upcoming feature or event.
Have ideas you would like to see incorporated into the game? Share them here!
Have a GENERAL question about the game, that isn't an account-specific issue? Here is where you can ask the question to be addressed by any member in the community. Once answered, thread will be closed and archived if others would like to review.
There have been so many questions about weapons, let's post them here in one easy spot to avoid duplicates and see responses
Got them rare things... oh yes ITEMS?! Trade them here!!
Submit gang rewards and give feedback for the current gang system on Era. Other gang related stuff including support can be requested here.
This is the section where you can participate in Contests held by the staff team and submit your work for the Graphic Headquarters.
A space for where writing enthusiasts or conspiracy theorists can write stories.
Discuss and debate topics not related to Era
Entertain yourself talking about how you entertain yourself!
Discuss your favourite games here, and find others with similar gaming interests.
Make note of key issues on Era-GO, or possibly even suggest new ideas for the website itself.
Run into a bug on the website? Are our HTML5 standards not up to par? Let us know about it here.
Have an idea for how to make the forums or Era-GO.com more efficient overall? Post about it here with as much detail as possible. Also, view past ideas to see what worked and what didn't, as well as what was completely user-inspired!
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Welcome to our newest member, anghelwilson284