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  1. View Conversation
    can you check testbed staff applications? please
  2. View Conversation
    something should be done about the prices of mysterious tablet this year... every single person payed 1.3 - 1.6 million pure tro +
    and i have grinded for 700k tro since last year thinking that it will be enough like every year.. like who even has 1 million tro..
    i hope maybe more could be released so other people also have the chance to get a tablet
  3. View Conversation
    Hey i was wondering if u could check testbed applications
  4. View Conversation
    Hello, I’m currently under investigation. Which I was told that you were in charge. I want to contact you directly to have a chat about what happened and hopefully help answer any questions that might help run the investigation faster.
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    Hello my name is Huy, I was jailed for 166,000 hours because I allowed a player into my account whom was jailed for 500,000 hours, thus resulting on the jail currently present on my account. I was wondering if my jail could be uplifted, as I was not the one who did something wrong. I have been playing since 2013 and would like to continue to do so, I tried playing on a new account recently but I was mass reported by players in spar. I am fairly known in the Multiplex community and would like come back. My Toonslab ticket number is 141795, i also have evidence to prove my innocent.

    Huy Ngo
  7. View Conversation
    Hi would you help me for my problem? i really missed graal
  8. View Conversation
    Hello it's been since last July that I don't receive any thing when I log on graal. I am using outlook. My graalid is Graal874684. I keep emailing the support but get no answer from them. May you help me ? I did check my spam mails too. Thanks.
  9. View Conversation
    Llama Livin’
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07-06-2022 10:19 AM
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07-27-2022 12:07 AM
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