Well for those that don't know me, Im NJK and well known for winning Hide and Seeks.
Hide and Seek is about event, prize could be $ or an event coin. If it's your first time winning, you will get 1 hat till you win 11. After that you will have a reward of $500.

I win tons of Hide and Seeks and it's time for me too help you guys out.

There is different bots that could be hiding like Toad, Red Jaggernaut, Blue Jaggernaut, Spaceman, Green Joker, Vman.
Each one is known for hiding in particular spots.

Red Jaggernaut can be found at:
Ricks Utilities Shop
Underground Spar
Yuis Shop
Dairy Hut
Skateboard Park
Kens Shop
2014 Sign

Toad can be found at:
2014 Sigan
Spar Complex first room
Mephs Furniture Store

Blue Jaggernaut can be found at:
Era Fashion Shop
2014 Sign
Mercy Beach Hospital
Hotel Park

Vman can be found at:
Trash Recycling Center
Underground Spar

GreenJoker can be found at:
Taxi Place, 2014 Sign

I hope I helped lots of you,
thanks for your time