Anyone got the alpha/beta if this game? It was free for awhile but closed recently. Basically Rust is made by the creators of garys mod and combined aspects from dayz and minecraft in the sense that your in a single massive world full of hundreds of other players, if you die you lose all your gear and can build houses and forts to store your items in and keep safe from other players. There are small towns scattered around that have radiation in them which kills you if your there for to long but is where the good items spawn.

You can craft things such as armour, guns, attachments, beds and other things which you find from getting blueprints. You can get blueprints from these towns or from deconstructing items to get their blueprint. Once you get the blueprint your able to create these items whenever you get enough materials, and keep the recipes when you die. The games still in closed alpha so the graphics aren't amazing, but thats because theyre currently focusing on the game mechanics.