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Thread: Portable Trade System

  1. #1
    Soldier ditchen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Mystery Box #475646

    Lightbulb Portable Trade System

    This idea couldn't be more simple. P.T.S works like an invite and CAN be ignored. As soon as two people enter a trade, the two people gain invisibility and invincibility for the duration and five seconds after the trade. The system will work like the tables but free and with less slots. This way has less evidence (Unless you were recording) of scammers as this is a thing that happens in a window instead. Trading will also need a cooldown (1Min) to let the original trade tables rival the P.T.S and not be overpowered. This system should also come with the update of trading hats and enable selling for some items that aren't. This is my idea for the P.T.S.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    NO hats should be tradable.
    We are not going to become like Zone.

    Portable trades- we have north, Tachi, south trading tables.
    Don't really see a problem? They can add more but the location must be planned first.

  3. #3
    xstarx, some times people are too lazy to run to nearest trade tables.

    IGN: SashaGryg/Skype: sashagrygprovych
    Ask for help and you will receive

  4. #4
    Soldier ditchen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Mystery Box #475646
    Meh. It was an idea that seemed decent at the time. Looking back at it, its not that great an idea. :/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SashaGryg View Post
    xstarx, some times people are too lazy to run to nearest trade tables.
    Then that's not a problem.
    Laziness doesn't affect the game.

  6. #6
    I like the idea :O like Growtopia's trading system where you can accept or ignore a trade invite then add your items. P.T.S. should be able to add up to 3 items at a time. Like you said, less then the table's 5 item limit and plus if it's free it should be less than the tables which we pay $21 for

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