Quote Originally Posted by Ephemeral13 View Post
Foreals, according to Google, if you count a number every second, 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, it will take you a little over a month(between 34 and 35 days) to count to 1 million. So around 300 days to count to 8.8 million. Now, lets say a shell spawns every 4 digs(idk what the rate is) and is digging at that rate of 8hrs/7dys. In one month he will have dug up 244,800 shells, and in 3 years(36 months), digging 1 shell every 4 seconds, 60 seconds a minute, 60 minutes an hours, 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, he will have reached 8,812,800 shells.

Now some trader can come in and add up the total cost of the supers/ultras in his possession. 8.8 million shells plus his ultras/supers? Highly improbable. Digging 8 hrs a day, 7 days a week, it would take 3 years for the shells alone. Who in their right mind digs 8 hrs non stop every day of the year? Hope this puts his claim into perspective. Ya never know, maybe he's a good scammer

Sorry I was bored feel free to look over my math, I undoubtedly made an error
Dat math. Props