Bloodbath and Beyond - Ghetto shop.
-Cars with a drift ability (tire marks left on the road for a couple of seconds)
-Gangster rap jukebox

Music shop - for all your musical needs
-Instrument weapons
-Throwing records
-Jukebox with playable music
-"eyePod" for your graal character to listen to the game music they like and drone out any other music

Medieval Mischief - for those who are stuck in the past!
-Brute weapons
-Helmets (help protect from damage but obstruct your vision)
-Armor/chain mail (helps protect from damage but slows you down)
-Complete quests for a queen and get an item which puts a gold "Sir" in front of your name (knighted)

Global Companionship - Uniting the world as one

Basically, anything you want to make, but must be significant to your culture.