This is a Public Service Announcement To all young people aspiring to be a player relations admin:

Hello everyone. I have a gang member on era that is ten years old. I won't say this persons name but they decided that wanted to be an "admin" so she applied and apparently she was told to try again next time. I don't know how true that is. I do know however that there is a lot of people who read forums here on this lovely site and I just wanted to preach (rant) on the topic of younger people becoming PRs. First, I must say I am not for it nor am I against it. If a young person can handle being a PR and staff hires them that is fine with me! With that being said let me break it down to the younger people why I would suggest waiting to be a PR. For one thing the job of a PR is not easy and it is not always fun. I learned this in the week and a half I served as a PR. (Haha fail) Being a PR is like being a kindergarten teacher. You have all the responsibilities of the class (aka the server) on your shoulders. You have to be professional, you have to deal with kids saying mean things (aka players pming you rude things) you have to deal with kids begging for recess (aka events). Not only do you have to deal with social aspects of being a PR. You have to deal with the rest of the work. Checking for uploads, (which is easy) warning cyber bullies, properly jailing them (you will get fired if you mess this up) and you have responsibilities put on you by other staff members. There is also the personal aspects of this such as how you have to be fair to everyone. You can't give a doll to your friend and not the guy next to him. You should not ever become a PR for free items because you don't just get freebies and the ones you do get usually only goes to your staff account and if you're no longer staff you no longer have those items. *Poof* Being a PR is not a job for the young. Honestly I didn't do that well 3 years ago when I was 16 and I definitely do not think a 10 year old should get upset because they didn't get hired to be a PR. I Say relax kid you'll have a chance to be a PR one day. They always need new PRs. It's a high turnover rate. And like I told the person in my gang... Say you do get the job and you suck at it because you're 10. Then they fire you. Now you have half of GRAAL hating on you, you will respond and dig the hole deeper and then when it's all said and done you'll probably never get hired to be a PR again. So why did I write this long speech? Because I want the person in my gang and other young players to know being an "admin" isn't everything... You have time to do it. Take your time, learn the game and get older. Then try being a PR. Okay done typing this long message. Good luck to you aspiring PRs and I hope that you one day get it and become one of the best PRs we ever had.