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Thread: Addressing and throwing out new ideas for gangs.Go on and check them out.

  1. #1

    Event Coin Addressing and throwing out new ideas for gangs.Go on and check them out.

    I was thinking about this and it isn't an issue unless you are a gang with 5 allies and your building sub gangs or other relationships among gangs. Obliviously there would have to be expenses to such a feature, but I think it would be kinda cool to be able to list some gangs you can help, and they can help you, other then your ally list. I know that sounds vaguely familiar to the current ally system, however peaces could have time limits, and cost extra per treaty. Another thing I believe we need is first of all, when your ally takes a base, why should you die off like an enemy player? I mean that's simple logic right? Basically as an ally you are given a back hand for aiding an ally gang capture a base. Secondly, the ranking system could be improved by certain ranks holding different powers, such as a R5, if your leader gives you this, what good does it do? A cool star? I think maybe if they add a power to change the physical rank and add a feature that allows based o, for instance, R5, should give you the MAXIMUM powers. Also, a feature that gave players the option to assign a specific word, such as, leader, to a specific rank, like R5. If you made it this far, thank you for reading this and have a good night/day depending on where you live.

  2. #2
    The ally part is dumb because people can just spam the flag keeping people out and people would be able to farm freebies ect

  3. #3
    They should add a feature that allows the leaders to give the power to change powers to 1-2 members. That'd be the best gang feature they could possibly add at the moment, in my opinion anyways.

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