Hey tankies,

I'd like to share my book with you guys. It's currently in version 1.6, a newer version (1.7) is in the works. Of course, it's about a tank, my favorite tank, the Renault FT.

Renault FT variant database

No Renault FT Left Behind

Operation Priority is a project to discover every Renault FT variant from all countries that ever handled these vehicles. Since the birth of the original prototype, this famous tank sprouted numerous variants, and all of them are identified in this informational database. Despite the FT’s significance, many designs are hidden and obscure. This database will reveal these secretive vehicles. Each database page will feature a Renault FT variant and the specific vehicle will be described in a detailed summary. These statements are listed as vehicle name, vehicle type, and background details. They are accompanied by images of a vehicle sprite and an actual picture or illustration of the variant. All vehicles mentioned in the database are historical and have existed in some way, shape, or form.

A unique feature is that this database is open to change forever. If you discover any errors or like to add information, tell the author below in the Operation Priority Tip Box section of his website.

Here's the book, enjoy the read