We all now of those gangs that have almost no members in them, take up a really good name, only the leader has power over, and the leader hasn't been online for a year or so.

I propose that gangs which whose leader hasn't been online for a certain amount of time (like say 8-12 months or more) are deleted from the database. Lets face it: if they've been offline for 2/3 of a year, do you really think they'll come back and lead the gang? Chances are, probably not.

*frees up gang names
*may reduce server lag (if it does, it would be insignifigant
*less gangs in existence (believe me, there probably isnt this many gangs in real life)

*rather pointless
*some gangs, like iFreeze, may be disbanded (look up Iceman and tell me how long he's been gone for)
*may take some time filtering gangs

List anything else I missed, I know I forgot something. Also, place your thoughts below, I'd love to hear them.