An alternative that could allow for some 'stronger' guns in the game would be the implementation of limited/ buyable ammo.

This would work very similar to era pc where there would be different ammo types for different guns (handgun, rifle, smg, sniper, lmg, explosive).

The prices would be cheap for ammo so don't worry- (probably like $5-20 gralats per 100 ammo depending on the gun, so the explosive guns would be 20 for 100 but rifles/ handguns would be 5 and 7-10).
The main thing this would do is limit ammo capacity for certain guns. It wouldn't be as extensive as it is in zone, like 2000 for handguns, 1000 for rifles/ smgs, shotguns would be about 4000 but explosive weapons/ snipers would be 200 and 500 respectively.

What this would do is:
-hopefully remove some of the spamming in bases as people will be wanting to conserve their ammo
-make people think a little bit more what guns they are going to use- could add more diversity to what guns people will use.
-make ammo shops actually have a purpose
-add more realism, as lets be honest everyone basically has infinite ammo and it's kinda stupid
-allow for certain 'powerful' guns that wouldn't otherwise be added as they could have very restricted ammo counts so that it's only good in short bursts before you have to go to the ammo shop to buy more ammo.
-may even lead to some special furniture be added such as ammo storage where you could store a certain amount of ammo so that you/ your gang members could go to your house to stock up on ammo instead of the store. (it would have an ammo capacity however and you'd have to buy the ammo to put into the storage).

In terms of the unlimited ammo perks i'd prefer it was removed but if that isn't allowed since it makes money for the server i'd have to think a way around it, maybe it gave half price discounts on ammo instead IDK

Before you comment please actually think about what this would do to benefit the server and not just have the mindset of "Wah I want unlimited ammo so I can spam my BAR at a doorway whilst afk"