Quote Originally Posted by Kieran2820 View Post
Wrong. 12 out of 18 wanted it. Your 25000 era-go members point is invalid as the majority aren't active
Hmmm but you're incorrect. Not getting a minimum of at least 1000 votes on the poll shows that you're excluding the other thousands that have signed up.

For example:
Kevin plays era and doesn't like pk rewards. So he goes to forums and expresses himself why he doesn't like this and he puts a poll up. Categories are "Do you like the rewards" and "I don't like the rewards". Kevin Votes on his own poll and everyone else ignored his thread except for the developer and the developer likes what he said so he changes it.

So you are the wrong one to say "12 out of 18 wanted it" because it should be away higher cap that you guys are looking for then just 30 people.

18* out of 25,000 members.