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Thread: Option to Turn Off the Swear Filter

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    Option to Turn Off the Swear Filter

    Basically, the idea is to add an option that let's you turn on and off the swear filter.

    Please note that this is an option, so it is a choice for the player to turn the filter on and off.

    Why should we add this?

    Well first of all it's annoying to get jailed for cussing. Cussing shouldn't be considered a "crime". Everyone should have freedom of speech on this game. I've been playing this game since 2011, so I'm obviously not a kid anymore, I'm grown and wish to say what I want and still enjoy the game.

    Second of all, the swear filter is flawed, there's so many normal words you can't say because the end and beginning of words spell out a cuss word. How many times have you seen this message or the "Do not try to evade to swear filter" one


    Graal Ol' West has the option to turn it off and that server works fine, so I think iEra should have it also.

    "What about the kids?". If a kid turns the swear filter off well that's not our fault. That's the parents' responsibility to monitor what their kids are doing.

    This option has also existed on the PC era server for years, but it's different from the Ol West one. On PC era you pick the severity of the swear filter depending on the player's age. The younger, the more curse words are censored.

    I'm sure over 75% of jailings are because of swearing, so if some of those jailed players are kids, well obviously Graal didn't teach them those words. Admins could really focus on other more important problems than somebody using the f bomb that has no bad intentions.

    Harassment/Hacking/Innapropriate gang pictures/staff impersonation/boosting should be the main focus.

    I would of thought that after all these years, admins would of realized that people will always find a way to evade the swear filter no matter how many things they add to the swear filter. It's to a point where they are adding combination of letters that sound like swear words but aren't.

    Please draw the line between cursing and harassment. These are two completely different things and are easy to differentiate.

    By not having this option, Graal basically assumes that all of its players are kids, which is not true. A lot of younger players grew up with this game and are now older.

    This wouldn't change the apple store rating, "online interactions" can not be rated.


    There have been many complaints throughout the thread, so I'll answer how to fix them all. I thought the answer to all of these would be pretty obvious, but it doesn't seem to be the case. So I'll go over them 1 by 1.

    You have a mental disorder triggered by cuss words? Keep the swear filter on.

    You get hurt by words easily or you are easily offended and don't want to see cuss words? Keep the swear filter on.

    You have a PTSD triggered by cuss words? Keep the swear filter on

    Somebody is saying things that offend you but doesn't contain cuss words? Block the player

    A player is harassing you? Block the player and report him for harassment

    You get easily offended by almost anything, even if it doesn't contain cuss words? Go to Options->Privacy Options->In-Game Chat Visibility and check "None" and then scroll up and check "Ignore All Private Messages (PMs)"
    Last edited by BEENDEAD; 10-19-2017 at 05:16 AM.

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