All of that cop stuff, I?m done with. I?m now the leader of my own crime family, Larangden Crime Family. We are slowly progressing and I wanted to discuss 2 things in this thread. Well start with my gang. I currently have several spots open for anyone who is looking to join. There are no requirements other than you MUST stay on tag at all times unless gaven permission to off tag (very rarely). I would prefer you to have an AK-47 at the least or better. I personally believe that it?s not your gun that?s good, it?s your skill that makes the gun good. My second thing, I have created an unofficial iEra server and were growing in members rapidly, including the admin OmgItsFallen. If you would like to join please join with the following code: 6xuYVV6

If you?d like to join Larangden just message me in game at iTzJoSh* or find my gang, Larangden Crime Family