Sorry for the repost, I had a problem with my last post and everything disappeared and couldn't delete it either. (Im a nub on the forums too hehe)

Like I said I'm jenn from (or @a.rtist on instagram) and I've studied pixel art for a long time now with an old french gfx admin who taught me all the basics for this game.
I've always wanted to make crazy items and I just made this arrow trash pick from scratch of course (or melee If it cannot be a trash pick) but i'd like constructive criticism on the style, colors, texture.. And I wanted to know if you could make this into a trash pick on Era, if not I'll make a whole shop but I just read that melees/guns and trash picks were forbidden so tell me.


The idea was that the bag that contains the arrows was on the player's back but idk about the gani effects and all, I just made it like that cause I liked the way it looked.