I know many players like this work and it is one of the best works of the Grail Era.

And whenever we finish making a pizza, when the business comes back on the table, we have to hold the table fast so we continue to make the pizzas. If another player holds the table first, the table will be the other player's.

My idea is this, whenever when we finished making a pizza, the moment we re-appear the business of making the pizza we will have to hold the table as fast as possible, but we will have a time of 1 or 2 seconds to hold the table to continue making the pizzas there. And if another player holds the table in that time of 1 or 2 seconds, the table will not be his, that is, he has to wait that time to pass so that he has the table.

I think if this is implemented in the game. We can work with more pleasure in the game and make more gralats.

But this can also discourage people who like to steal the players' tables. And that's why I wanted to share this idea.

But if this idea is implemented in the game, you will have to add at least one more room in each pizzeria, and the veteran pizzeria will have to be added one more room on each floor there.

Give your opinion if you liked this idea or not. And what are the advantages and disadvantages that this idea can bring to the game.