

I suck at naming items so I won't bother.
Last night I was up sketching two items out of my blank head and thought perhaps these items, these ideas, might give the Graphics Team an idea of what to make. Doesn't need to be exactly how I sketched it.
Reminder to all that every item comes with the hat on their left.

(I'll repeat what I wrote down for those who can't see it)

The Sword
No, this sword doesn't heal anyone, actually, none of these items heal.
This sword is an average sword however because it has a little dagger on the left side, assuming the swing goes left, then the opponent will deal with a little more damage. It's a sword so it's not crazy fast as a katana, but it deals a nice DMG and pushes the opponent back as well.
If you're trying to show off, simply click a button which activates the 'power move' which is basically a 180 degrees spin, moving forward due to the heaviness of the sword, then going back to do the final damage with your poisonous third dagger.

Well, I when I was starting to make this I was starting to dream of Gundams so I tried to make something similar to it but failed, ouch.
This, yes, is a jetpack but doesn't go any fast, it's the same speed as the skateboard, keeping things fair.
It has that feature but it also could shoot out its hose and have two options for it "Vaccum" or "Shoot".

As said, it sucks in trash from a larger distance than a trash pick but no longer range than the VIP vacuum that we once had.

Given the specs from (gosh I haven't played iEra for a while) that one place with the high-tech and neon blue lights, it is capable of shooting out an acid that deals with a fair amount of damage but has to cool down every time being used. It's in the works, just a beta, so it won't be shooting out for too long.
Perhaps there is a sort of effect the acid can do to a Graalian?

Most of you won't like it because it's not iEra related, graphics-wise, but like I said it's an idea that doesn't necessarily have to be taken from the graphics.

