Sorry if this is the wrong place but,
I've had this problem awhile now, but for most levels whenever i save the level thru the online te, i get the message: The (npcserver) lacks the rights to read levels/0. I've tried multiple times to fix it. I think its something to with the rights, but i cant see it myself. Now when I say most levels can't save, about 25% of them are able to save. Why, i have no idea. Thanks in advance if i forget lol.

NPC Server Rights:
rw levels/*.nw
rw levels/*.gmap
rw NPCS/*
rw TileEditor/Clipboard/*
rw TileEditor/Clipboard/*/*
rw TileEditor/Clipboard/*/*/*
rw TileEditor/Data/*
rw TileEditor/Data/*/*
rw TileEditor/Data/*/*/*
rw levels/images/tileeditor_icon_1-1.png
rw levels/images/tileeditor_bucket_1-1.png
rw levels/images/tileeditor_pencil_1-1.png
rw WEAPONS/*/*
rw WEAPONS/*/*/*
rw heads/*
rw bodies/*.png
rw swords/*
rw levels/*.gmap
rw ganis/*.gani
rw hats/*.png
rw images/*.png
rw images/*.gif
rw images/*.mng
rw sounds/*.mid
rw sounds/*.mp3
rw sounds/*.wav
rw global/*
rw global/heads/*
rw global/bodies/*.png
rw global/swords/*
rw global/shields/*

My Rights:
rw WEAPONS/*/*
rw WEAPONS/*/*/*
rw NPCS/*
rw TileEditor/Clipboard/*
rw TileEditor/Clipboard/*/*
rw TileEditor/Clipboard/*/*/*
rw heads/*
rw bodies/*.png
rw swords/*
rw levels/*.gmap
rw ganis/*.gani
rw hats/*.png
rw images/*.png
rw images/*.gif
rw images/*.mng
rw sounds/*.mid
rw sounds/*.mp3
rw sounds/*.wav
rw global/*
rw global/heads/*
rw global/bodies/*.png
rw global/swords/*
rw global/shields/*
rw levels/*.nw
rw levels/*.gmap