My new job idea
What if era added stocks, a warehouse where you could buy a stock for a certain amount of gralats, and get rewarded more money than what you spent on the stock (profit). Lets say in the warehouse there was a stock of 40 sun glasses for 150 gralats each, and the stock costs around 500 gralats, if you can sell all 40 “sun glasses” within a certain amount of time “2” hours, you will get a certain amount of gralats lets say you will be rewarded 3000 gralats.
(You have to sell the stocks to real online people. For gralats of course)
Also to prevent any cheating with second accounts, the same person can only buy one of the item you are selling.
Comment your ideas please
Also i dont know if this is in the right category, i just though if i put it in this category people would see it.