This thread is merely just how to check on how you deal with some of real life problems you deal with from time to time, even though if there is "not" a chance for this to happen to you, at least try to picture yourself in this situation.
Regardless I will just start asking the first 3 questions.

1-Coffee spilled on your uniform as you were going to attend a very important event that you were preparing for a month, theres only 3 minutes left until the bus across a few streets depart. What would you do?

2-A stalker who has a dark plot towards you and your loved ones has finally succeeded as now your girlfriend/boyfriend that you have been with for almost 6 years, with her/his family is about to be drowned in cement. On the other hand "your" family, from a futher distance on where your Girl/boyfriend and his/her family was about to die, your family was going to be burried alive in a giant box across the other town. What would you do and who would you save?
(You may not call the authority for watever reason)
(just to make the question have much more suspense)

3-You are in a restaurant with your friends and is starving thus not eating lunch and dinner, you see a beggar outside the shop and you pity the guy, your waiter/waitress is about to serve you your dinner. How would you cope this kind of heart breaking incident?