Forting a.k.a gang zone invasion, this event should be bringing tons of players to fight to the death so that their gang are able to kill the most amount of people inside the base for the 30 minute duration. Since the changes were implemented with the base changes a lot of basers and forters have quit the game, and a lot of people like me are not enjoying the forting scene since the changes. A big thing missing from forting is how its supposed to be a close quarters fast paced event but since the changes it just does not feel the same as it used to be.
Here are my suggestions:

  • Disable the medical room *JUST FOR FORTING EVENTS* (enabled during non forting events)
  • Make the spawns how they used to be, outside the base door full hp
  • Keep the rules the same with the gang that has the base how extra points are earned on each kill(and other rules as well)

I don't expect this to go anywhere I just felt like sharing how me(and I'm sure most of the community) feel about the forting situation. Feel free to leave feedback&opinions down below. Thanks for reading