I'm currently thinking of writing a story. So, here's the start if anyone's interested (NOTE: It's in dialogue form): (BTW I might change it)

Random café in present day London, Great Britain. Midnight.
Michael: (leaning foward to a clocked figure) Do you have what I requested?
Figure: (looks around) I do, but sure you sure there aren't mages or elites are around?
Michael: The only one's around are the unconnected, and they are asleep, we'll be fine. I have the money you requested. In USD, just as you ordered.
Figure: Great, now slide it over. ... 20 grand? Wow, you overpaid.
Michael: This means a lot to me.
Figure: Well, here's the elemental blade of yours. By the way, overusing it can and will kill you.
Michael: I'm well aware of that.
Figure: A you never got this from me, okay?
Michael: Already forgot your name.