As most of you know I have been dealing with a jail glitch/jail reloop for 5+ months. I was just jailed 17 hours because someone called me a dumba** and I called him one back. I will be unjailed for this or I will be posting a lot because I do not deserve this. I had to undo my jail reloop a few weeks ago myself because staff ignores me now and does not help me. I have been wrongfully jailed so many times that I’m not even sure if this is my actual jail. I will bring this to unixmad and whoever else if I keep being targeted and abused by lower staff. This jail reloop is ridiculous.

(My jail time on previous jails due to the rejail glitch have constantly went up in hours and I was told if its a reloop then it will not affect my jail history. However it seems as if my jail hours go up everytime. So if this is an actual jail I have to wait out then it should not be 17 hours. This is absurd.)