I suggest to take one empty buildings in era and make it a rule house where rule updates can be seen and recent staff signings and other new features we could add such as

Pending upload status
a small text area within the house that shows the pending uploads that have not been check on yet so that players may be able to monitor their upload status wether it has been accepted or not

Online staff
a statue room where all staff members would have their own statue and when they set their online status public or they are unhidden their statue would have a green aura around it and players can tap their statue to visit their profile immediatley

Update room
a room that gives the public an idea on what recent updates took place be it a small change of gani, a removal of a shop, or an update of a gun skin. it would displayed on a board similar to the auction house

Staff signings
it would give us an updated list of staff members and grab statues that lead to the forums whenever there is a new application and would alert us when old staff members resign

Contest updates
a room that shows what contests are currently active on the forums and in-game