First and foremost, please forgive my tone in the duration of this thread, and if you're the creator of this level, then please, don't be discouraged by this thread, but take this as constructive criticism to better your levels because I kinda liked what I saw and thought it was pretty cool.

Also, I'd like to to point out that since I wasn't originally planning to make a thread on the topic, I only have one screenshot with me, so I had to resort to using outside sources for photographs of the level, which is something that I don't like to do as I like to present my own work, but I've decided that I'll give credit to the owner at the end of the thread because that's what normal people do.

So, the Ice Hammer Maze was actually quite fun at first, there were some pesky little snowball men that you constantly had to deal with, but they weren't too big of an issue.

However, that's when the level's biggest comes into play. There's a part of level where walking on the black parts will kill you, so you have to make your way across on a white line. Problem. Not only is the line super thin, there's snowflakes covering the screen and arrows coming out of nowhere that'll fly your Graalian straight to Canada if it so much as touches him! Which leads to a respawning, which is extremely inconvenient due to there being a 5 minute timer constantly ticking.

As you can probably infer, I ran out of time, which would be fine, assuming that the system only started me from the beginning, but that's not what happened. When the timer ran out, my Graalian was relocated back into the Gmap and the rock-thing that originally teleported me into the level disappeared. Which lead me into this thread with one, simple request to the developer:

Please, don't do the same mistake that Rockstar did, nobody likes timers.

The channel that I took the screenshots from is called "Caverinha JP" and clicking here will automatically redirect you to the specific YouTube video that I took the screenshots from.

As a disclaimer, I'd to point out that the video's audio is in a language that I do not understand so I have no clue on what he's talking about in the video. (There are subtitles, but I don't know how accurate they are.) But I assume it's about iEra because what else would he be talking about?

I also recommend turning down the volume for the intro, just in case you have sensitive ears.