Basically, what I believe is that when new players come into the game, they would have little to know idea what a PR is.
In fact, when I first started playing back in 2012, I had no idea that PR existed. As such, please construct a PR Concierge at the land currently taken up by the useless theatre.

Admins online can station themselves at the building, or there could be kiosks inside the building for players to grab and it will send a notification to all PRs online at that time. The PRs can then either pm the player or show up at the center to tend to the player.

The building can also be used for the developers etc to discuss their plans before carrying out. The building could also have a parliament chamber for admins to discuss issues, and players may or may not be able to participate (though, they could still witness). For example, admins can debate on the amount of taxes to be imposed on prisoners etc.

To prevent abuse, admins can impose a fine of 500 gralats on players who misuse the kiosk. Such as calling for an admin just for a random chat etc.

I think this is more useful than the theatre.