To counter scams I propose a trade permit. This permit is a badge that can be bought at the era building and players have to show this badge before entering the trade centres.

For first time buyers, they will pay a small fee of $500 gralats to purchase the permit. The permit has no expiry date.

However, when a player scams, the victim or any other player can vote to revoke the permit of the scammer by tapping edit profile>vote permit revoke. The votes will be reset every month and is cumulative. Means if a person scams a player on monday and gets 20 votes (eacg votes must be from a different player) against him, and on tuesday gets another 20 votes, his permit will be revoked. Once the votes exceed 40 the permit is revoked.

To be able to trade again, the player will have to purchase the permit at a higher price. It will cost 10k gralats and a transaction fee of 2000 gralats, followed by a replacement fee of 4000 gralats and a service charge of 4000 gralats. All in all, the person pays 20k to replace a permit.

I know some may be afraid of abusers, but if a player tries to manipulate votes, he could probabaly get like 6-7 votes against a guy. However, if 40 ppl are simultaneously wanting his permit to be revoked, something is clearly wrong with him.

Apart from the 40 votes, the permit can also be removed if a staff witnesses the act of scamming. In this case 4p votes would not be needed.

To justify the 500 gralats paid, it is to make each and every trader trade seriously and not compromise their permits by scamming.

NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A TAX. The permits are in the form of a badge and it is the purchase of an item.

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