Hello Everyone!
OmgItsFallen aka Fallen here!

As many of you know I'm a member of the iEra newspaper team! If you did not know, our weekly newspaper has a weekly article called Eras Playground! Over the years it has gotten redone, and we are proud to say it's at a strong point right now! It seems many people do not know what can be done in Eras Playground, so I wanted to let you guys know

1- The newspaper (outside of the Playground) is a place where all players can get the weekly updates, and stay up to date on what goes on in iEra!
2- The team and I love to give tips, some of these tips go from what you should buy in iEra to sometimes hiring tips!
3 (and most importantly ;p) WE GIVE AWAY FREE STUFF!
We give lots of free stuff! Like, gralats, ganis, and many hats (soon ;p)

All you have to do is read the newspaper, and enter our weekly contests at the email it gives! These contests are usually picture contests, like in the past we did a Halloween upload theme and the results were amazing! We also host a smaller early bird contest where all you have to do is find the answer to a riddle or joke and the first to email us the answer wins a smaller prize!

We are always looking for ideas, and stuff that can be added to make it better! Feedback is always needed! If you guys want a hint, next weeks contest will be the same as this weeks, it involves this new amazing VIP! So make sure to check out this weeks paper! Usually papers are released on Saturday nights, so TONIGHT (we are hoping)!

For any questions feel free to message Pamaj, Me, Zara, Venus, or Myrk! Also note- We may be hiring soon, so keep an eye out!

As always this has been OmgItsFallen!
Thanks for playing in Eras Playgound!