I know that many developments of buildings and places in game require lots of work by admins and it takes too long with the lack of manpower for the development team.

However, part of the reason why players who can help in development are not joining the team may be because they are too busy to commit for the long term, had a bad conduct record to be trusted with admin powers or simply just not being noticed.

As such I propose a new way of developing - Player-Inducted Development (PID). Basically, this concept is that players who could do levels, gani, scripting whatnot can do their creations and then file an appeal for their creations to be implemented in the game. For the work, the players will decide on how much they want to sell to the game (in terms of gralats) and the game will buy one at the best deal to implement into the game as an update.

For example, if there's an open space on a piece of land in Southridge that a player felt could be made into a building cor aesthetic purposes, he could do the levels and necessary scripting, then appeal to have them implemented.

I know its kinda similar to Arte, but the difference is now that it extends to buildings for the development of gmap. It may or may not be shops or items for sale. For instance, if one dislikes the fountain at the start park, he or she could make one that looks better and appeal for its implementation.

The staff ultimately will decide if the creation will be implemented.

Afterall, its a community so if players play a part in the development of this shared space maybe it will look better than it is.

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