As you could guess by thread name, i have something to say about house leveling system(furniture levels). Currently, there are 4 levels between which you can switch:
0 level: its literally floor and something we stand or sit at, something, thats is always under the character and other furniture peaces(for example carpet, coach, chair, you never see them above your character)
1 level: furniture peaces that take same level as your character, you can hide behind such things or you can stay in front of it to cover it(table, book shelf, mysetious present which is statue, etc)
2 level: everything above character(ceiling lamps, chandelier, etc)
3 level: same as level 2, but its above lights, shadows etc(i mean lights and shadows dont affect them because its above its layer)

I guess i spent too much time explaining how i see it working XD so
Problem: when you put carpet on flooring, or chair on carpet etc(if you put two things same place, but you need them both to be 0 level) one of them covers another randomly(i guess), so usually when i put chair on carpet, it disappears under the carpet instead of covering it. I see 2 solutions of my problem(i have seen that in some other houses as well):
1st is to add one more level between 0 and 1
2nd is to make item sequence by which system decides in what order items cover each other