Everybody knows how there has been a huge huge drop in player count since like 2012 13 ish. I find it frustrating how the staff seems to not really care or do anything about it. What I think Era (Or really just Graal as a whole) should do, is to advertise the game. Like video ads, or even like those paid promotions that YouTubers do. This would definitely work, because no joke, everybody that I have introduced graal to has been HOOKED to it ever since. And that’s the problem, the only way this game gets new players is from mouth. 1 person tells one person at a time. And advertising could do this same thing except 100 times faster and more efficiently, especially because you get to visually see the game, as it looks appealing to 8-11 year old kids. This is also around the age where you can make you childhood revolve around the game so yeah, I feel like we should really do some kind of advertising. It also feels helpless how no staff EVER listens to anything on the forums, even when it’s a good idea that should at least be considered, but it feels helpless because I don’t think any idea in the forums has actually made it into the game. If you guys also think this is a good idea, please forward this to higher staff, and higher staff please talk to Unixmad about this. This game has real potential to blow up