Yeah, not really a good idea. The server can’t handle that many players all at once. Anything over 5,000 players at once would release total havoc. And they cant just magically change a few things on the script and poof, it can now fit 100k people all at once. If that could be done it already would’ve happened. Im not saying the server cant be improved somehow, but if it could it would probably require a substantial amount of money for some third-party to allocate server info. And that would take time, and again, money and new players can’t spend money if they cant even launch the game.

Toonslab is already trying to passively increase the playerbase for all graal games, via instagram and youtube and perhaps even more methods that i am not aware of. The Instragram giveaways are a publicity stunt. You are required to post information about the game on your account and doing so will cause anyone who follows you to see said post and perhaps that’ll interest them on the game. Moreover there are also hashtags going around and the more post a hashtag has the more attention it can get from other people.

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